Stories from Woonsocket residents, business owners, workers, and visitors. Read about our people and what makes them swoon for Woonsocket.

Photo by Chris Curtis

Meet Margaux Morisseau

“I grew up in Woonsocket and have always had family here. I moved away long ago but continued working here. I had an 18-year career at NeighborWorks Blackstone River Valley. So, I always had one foot in Woonsocket. In 2018, I moved back home and purchased a house here. It was the sense of community that brought me back. I just wanted to live in a place where people were kind and accepting of each other, the community was diverse, and there were exciting things to do. Being here is a cozy feeling, and I wanted to be in a place with a real sense of community. This is the only place to go to dinner and get to know people. People are friendly and say hi, and everybody's always willing to help and look out for each other. That's why I love it here.

I now work as a nonprofit consultant. I specialize in policy and advocacy, helping nonprofits advocate for the community, so I advocate for housing, homelessness, and economic justice.

When volunteering at Levitt Amp, I worked at NeighborWorks Blackstone River Valley and was part of the original cast. Meg Rego is the grant writer and said something like Margaux: there's this grant I'd love to go for. Imagine if we got this music series for Woonsocket. She continued to tell me about it, and I was like, well, Meg, that's a crazy idea. But let's try it! Meg wrote the grant, and of course, with her excellent skills, she landed the grant, but that wasn't the hard part. 

The hard part was getting the community out to vote. At that time, when I was a Director of Community Engagement at NeighborWorks, Meg and I teamed up, and we went on a campaign around the city. Churches welcomed us to their Sunday masses and allowed us to get their communities to vote. The schools welcomed us over their loudspeaker in the morning and allowed us to vote. We just went everywhere in the city, every gathering, and asked people to vote. I was skeptical because, at that time, Woonsocket had a low voter turnout. We're one of the lowest in the state. Let me tell you, the community voted for free music concerts in the park!

We ended up winning and were so proud of Woonsocket that we then had the task of putting together a content series. So Meg and I went to the Levitt Convening in Los Angeles, California. We learned to put on a concert series, returned here and went to work. So we divided and conquered. I managed all the volunteers and the external stuff. Then, she handled all the band bookings and other internal tasks. It has been so much fun to see it build over the years that even when I left NeighborWorks, I couldn't stop volunteering at Levitt Amp because I saw its impact on the community. I saw how excellent the concerts were and wanted them to keep going; I wanted to be part of it.

I've tried out different roles over the years at Levitt Amp. This year, I am the vendor manager, recruiting and supporting craft vendors to set up and park to make it feel more like a festival.

We would love a couple more craft vendors. We're looking for people who can make and sell their goods. If you are a craft vendor or know somebody who is, please tell them to go to our Levitt Amp Woonsocket Facebook page, and there's a vendor form that they can fill out. You can also message us on the Levitt Amp Woonsocket Facebook page. We will get back to you with the link to the form. It is straightforward: fill out the form. It's a meager cost. It's only $10 per week. Vendors don't even have to bring a tent. They don't have to get a table. They bring their goods. We only allow six a week, so it's a nice small amount. The crowds are typically between 500 and 600 people, so it's an excellent way to get your handcrafted goods out to the community.  It’s a great deal. As somebody involved at craft fairs as, I recently started a craft business, Le Jardin, with my niece, Destiny. But that’s a story for another time. $10 is amazing!

I am most excited to see Black Opry Revue this year on July 26th. I wouldn't say I liked country music when we started this series. One of Levitt's sayings is that people must eat their musical vegetables and listen to live music they don't particularly like or think they'll want. So when Levitt Amp Woonsocket started, the country bands performed and changed my mind. The music was so incredible that I loved some of our country musical acts. Having the Black Opry Revue here this year to celebrate country music's roots is extraordinary. It is fantastic to see how it began. You’ll hear this amazing band that worked on Beyoncé’s new album this year. It is a big deal. So I'm excited and ready to see them.

For context, the Levitt Foundation has stringent guidelines about selecting the bands and must approve the final lineup. So, none of the bands that can be covered bands. They must be original musicians who write their music, and the bands must be diverse in performers and type of music. So, some creative performers take music to the next level. And they also have to be nationally known. They have to have their music available on platforms like Spotify and Apple Music, and then they have to have awards under their belt so you know that every band that plays Woonsocket will be unique. There is always something for everyone, as we have a different genre of music each week.

Discover the hidden gem of Woonsocket- the Levitt Amp concert series. With a rich history spanning six years, we've been bringing the community together through the power of music. It's a unique experience that many have yet to discover. So, if you're reading this, I invite you to join us and bring your friends to share in the joy of the Levitt Amp Woonsocket concert series.”

Meet Brandon Sorum

“I love the connectedness of Woonsocket. There is a lot of potential and pride. Everybody comes together and shows their love for this place. There is a tremendous amount of pride. It is a family-friendly city, and everyone I talk to loves this city. I love it because it feels like the underdog of Rhode Island, but it's so beautiful, there are so many resources, and it's such a fantastic community. This is why I chose to work here in Woonsocket. 

The Levitt Amp concert series is not just about music; it's about inclusivity and community. It's a 10-week free concert series in Woonsocket, held every Friday during the summer. Levitt Amp aims to provide a free music experience for all, especially those who don't usually get to enjoy live music. It's a unique opportunity that brings people from all walks of life, ethnicities, ages, and backgrounds into one place to enjoy diverse music. It's a place where everyone is welcome, and I invite you to join us. 

I am the Volunteer Manager this year for Levitt Amp Woonsocket and would love to see more volunteers. We need volunteers who can greet guests or help set up an event, for example, setting up tables with vendors. Our priority is serving our guests during their experience and ensuring that our concertgoers are safe. You can contact me at bsourm@neighborworksbrv.org. The concert series is unlike any other in the state. It’s a family-friendly event. We have food trucks, kids' games, and free, friendly, family-friendly music every family can dance to and listen to.

I’m looking forward to Precious Perez, a blind Latina singer, performing at the June 14th concert. I'm excited that she will represent a community of people whose music is unrepresented in concerts like these, which are free and accessible to the public.

Join us as a concertgoer or a volunteer at River Island Art Park on Friday the 14th. I promise there is something for everyone.”