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Economic Vitality Roundtable- Woonsocket Comprehensive Plan

The Downtown Woonsocket Collaborative, in collaboration with the City of Woonsocket will hold a virtual Economic Roundtable on Monday, June 13th from noon to 1 p.m. The event is part of Woonsocket's Comprehensive Plan that will guide business and development over the next 30 years.

The purpose of the event is to gather information from business owners in Woonsocket is going well and what can be improved from both a business climate and economic development standpoint. Areas of particular interest that will be discussed include economic development programs and activities, city services & facilities, zoning and land use, housing redevelopment of the Downtown area, as well as transportation.

The 60-minute session will be led by members of the team developing the strategic plan to move the city forward. Some of the topics to be discussed are why businesses are in Woonsocket, what opportunities are there for business owners, what does Woonsocket need to do better to attract new business.